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Calendar 2025 | Webinars


Анализ и оразмеряване на фундаменти с DC-Software

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист

18.02.2025 г., от 16:00 часа

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Укрепване на дълбоки изкопи с DC-Software

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист

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Строително информационно моделиране на сгради с Allplan Architecture

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист

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Banner_Allplan_Architecture_700_19052023 3D обектно ориентирано армиране с Allplan Engineering

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист

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29032023 Design and analysis of cantilever walls with DC-Software

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

Recorded webinar

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29032023 Изчисляване и оразмеряване на ъглови подпорни стени с DC-Cantilever

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист


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Ground water lowering (Multi-well installations) with DC-Dewatering

recorded webinar

Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

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Понижаване нивото на подпочвени води с DC-Dewatering

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист


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Автоматично армиране - надстройки към Allplan от ALLTO


Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист

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Изчисляване на количества с Allplan


Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист за Allplan

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Allplan Architecture

Recorded webinar

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

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Allplan Engineering & Allplan Bridge

Recorded webinar

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

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Slope Stability Analysis with DC-Software

Recorded Webinar

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

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Analysis of Settlement with Soil Improvement by Stone Columns with DC-Vibro

Recorded webinar

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

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DC-Software in Analysis and Design of Road Structures

Recordеd webinar

In this free webinar we will show slope stability analysis and retention of slopes using common earth retaining structures.

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webinar_06042021 Анализ на на устойчивост на откоси и укрепителни съоръжения с DC-Software 


Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова 

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web15082022a От моделиране на конструкцията до подготовка на модела за статически изчисления
Allplan Engineering | Allplan Bimplus | SCIA AutoConverter Light


Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист за Allplan

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web15082022a От информационен модел на сградата до проектна документация и визуализация
Allplan Architecture | Allplan Bimplus


Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, Продуктов специалист за Allplan

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frilo-banner27s Get to know us – FRILO Steel Solutions  

Recorded webinar

The webinar will start with the company introduction followed by the live demo of the user interface. Next you will have an opportunity to deep dive into the FRILO steel calculation programs.

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frilo-banner27s Get to know us – First Steps with FRILO  

Reorded webinar

This webinar will introduce you to the Frilo solution portfolio. Then you will see how to start and operate an example FRILO program. It is really intuitive and simple!

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Analysis of earth retaining structures using layered walls and reinforced soil with DC-Software

Recorded webinar

•    Analysis of supporting constructions from different types of blocks with DC-Gabion
•    Reinforced earth with geosynthetics with DC-Geotex
•    Combination between both programs
•    Visualisation and output of results

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Analysis and dimensioning of different pile types with DC-Software

Recorded webinar

•    Analysis and dimensioning of different types of single piles with DC-Pile
•    Analysis and dimensioning of combined pile raft foundations with DC-Pilegroup
•    Analysis and dimensioning of foundation pit bore pile walls with DC-Pit
•    Visualisation and output of results

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BIM проектиране: Моделиране на довършителни работи
с Allplan Architecture 2020 (Уебинар)

Дата: 5 март, четвъртък, от 16:00 до 17:00 часа

* Темата е подходяща за архитекти.

Лектор: инж. Йоана Димитрова, продуктов специалист за Allplan

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